9. Statements and Questions - Rules 10-15

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Proposition Reference Article Billet d’État
P.2023/4 Proposition 3 9 III


States’ Assembly & Constitution Committee


3. To amend Rule 10(5) to read: “Any statement made under the provisions of paragraph (4) shall not exceed 15 minutes in duration and shall be approved by the Committee. In respect of statements made under the provisions of paragraph (4) only, after the statement has been made, the Presiding Officer shall allow a period not exceeding 20 minutes (which period may be extended at the discretion of the Presiding Officer) for questions to be asked on any matter within the mandate of the Committee, or in the case of any statement made on behalf of the States of Alderney any matter for which the States of Alderney has responsibility, except any topic which is part of another item of business at the Meeting in question. Provided that: after any question asked further to a statement made under Rule 10, the Member to whom questions are addressed may decline to answer a question if, in his or her opinion, any answer given might be inaccurate or misleading but shall provide the answer to the said question in writing not later than five clear days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays) following the date of the Meeting. Each individual question shall not exceed one minute in duration and the answer thereto shall not exceed one and a half minutes in duration.”