9. Statements and Questions - Rules 10-15

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Proposition Reference Article Billet d’État
P.2023/4 Proposition 2 9 III


States’ Assembly & Constitution Committee


2. To amend Rule 10(3) to read: “Any Member who has obtained permission from the Presiding Officer to make a statement on behalf of, and approved by, a Committee or otherwise relating to States’ business which, in the opinion of the Presiding Officer, should be made may make that statement: a) at the time prescribed in Rule 9; or b) at such other time as the Presiding Officer may direct. Provided that the Member has supplied the Presiding Officer with the text of the statement in advance and that the statement shall not exceed 15 minutes in duration (which may be extended at the discretion of the Presiding Officer in exceptional circumstances). In respect of (3) only, after the Member has made the statement, the Presiding Officer shall allow a period not exceeding 15 minutes (which period may be extended at the discretion of the Presiding Officer) for questions to be asked within the context of the statement.