13. Alderney Airport Runway Rehabilitation
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Proposition Reference
Billet d’État
P.2022/90 Sursis Motive Burford/Soulsby
Policy & Resources Committee
1. To sursis the propositions until the States have debated a policy letter from the Committee for Economic Development on the proposal to extend Guernsey’s runway, or until a motion has been carried by the States to rescind the extant resolution to bring such a policy letter, and until investigations have been undertaken by the Policy & Resources Committee and the Committee for Economic Development into the feasibility of re-establishing an inter-island route network between Guernsey, Jersey and Alderney as well as from Alderney to Southampton, with all such routes designated as lifeline routes and all operated by a single, established Channel Islands based airline using aircraft that can operate from the existing runway length in Alderney, and until Policy & Resources and the Committee for Economic Development have reported back to the States on the outcomes of their investigations.