14. To direct that the Law should be amended where it relates to care requirements, as set out in paragraphs: 6.3; 6.103-6.118 of the Policy Letter, to:
a. Replace the term ‘compulsory intervention’ with ‘care requirement’ in the new threshold criteria for the Children’s Convenor and Child, Youth and Community Tribunal;
b. Clarify the purpose of making a care requirement with the intent that it is used only in cases where there is a reasonable prospect of positive change, so that the child can either continue living within the family or be reunited within a relatively short period;
c. Remove the requirement that “there is no person being able or willing to exercise parental responsibility…” from the list of conditions that form part of the threshold for both the temporary intervention of the Child, Youth and Community Tribunal through a care requirement and the more permanent intervention of the court through the making of a CPO;
d. Rename the ‘conditions’ for a care requirement as ‘grounds’; and
e. Update the list of such grounds as set out in Appendix G; and
f. Remove the 28-day review requirement for renewal of a care requirement and establish a requirement for a review at a minimum of six months in its stead.